Al Haramain Islamic watches HA 6314, with their modern and elegant character, offer you the true depth of the Islamic spirit. Designed with the utmost care to meet expectations of elegance and high quality. The watch body is strong and durable, made of precious metals that reflect classic Islamic architectural design. The watch is equipped with unique features such as the Hijri calendar and prayer times, making it more than just an accessory, but rather a practical tool for maintaining the correct timing of prayer time. The hardened glass face protects the watch from scratches and ensures its durability for a long time. The luxurious gold plating creates a gorgeous finishing touch that adds elegance to the overall look of the watch.

  • Brand: AL-HARAMEEN
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  • Return Policy: The goods are not returned and are not replaced after they leave the store, except in the event of a technical defect in the hour that is replaced or maintained

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